domenica 11 novembre 2012

New Hampshire: Euronews point of view

New Hampshire Elections: Euronews (LACKING) point of view.

Unfortunately Euronews didn't write any article about the election in New Hampshire even if the fact is  socially and politically very interesting. For the first time an USA's State will have an all female delegation.
In my opinion this election is important because it represents how the world is changing: people are beginning to open their own mind and to fight the male chauvinism that kept our societies stuck in a big mistake which is to underestimate the "weaker sex".
Euronews basically gave information about the general aspects of the presidential elections and then about Obama's election (here an example
Personally I'm offended by Euronews inaccuracy. I think this was a great topic of conversation that would have caught the interest of many people.


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